Bulk Upload
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What is Bulk Upload?
This feature allows you to send a common message to a list of numbers. You simply need to create a list of numbers in .csv or .xls (or .zip containing any of these files) format.
Can I customize my messages?
Yes. You can use the customized bulk upload option, to send these messages.
: For more information refer to the section Customized bulk upload
under Using Bulk Upload
Can I schedule messages for any period of time?
Yes. You can schedule messages up by specifying the date and precise time. Messages can be scheduled up to one year advance.
: As per TRAI all promotional messages can be sent between 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM.
Where can I see the history of scheduled messages?
You can view the history of scheduled messages under the Upload History section in the Messages tab. The details include Transaction ID of the message, Upload Time, Uploaded File and Response File (if generated).
Can I cancel a scheduled message?
Yes. In the Upload History section click Cancel button for a scheduled Transaction id.
: Please note that the latest you can cancel a scheduled message is 5 minutes before the
scheduled time.
My sheet may contain duplicate numbers. How can I remove them?
You have an option to select Remove duplicate numbers from the browsed file which remove duplicate entries before uploading the sheet.
What are messaging templates?
Messaging templates ensure that the SMS content matches the chosen category type. We have provided some sample templates however you can create your own customized templates and send those for approval.
What is TRAI NCPR & how does it function?
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) maintains a list of phone numbers which have informed their telephone carriers that they do not wish to receive unsolicited commercial communication (UCC) via either SMS or via calls. These accounts are then made a part of the National Consumer Preference Register (NCPR) list.
The NCPR list has two main categories.
Mobile operators can add the users' number to the TRAINCPR list. A mobile number cannot be sent any or selective promotional/marketing messages depending on the category.
What are NCPR categories?
TRAI has determined two main categories for NCPR listed phone numbers.
I have not registered the mobile number on NCPR. Yet you do not send me messages.
We are unable to send messages (SMS) to any number that is found to be on the TRAI NCPR list. If you are unable to receive messages even though you are not on TRAI NCPR, it could be because of two possible reasons.
The previous user of this number had added it to the NCPR list. And TRAI still maintains that. In this case, you can remove the number from TRAI NCPR list by dialing 1909. Although we try to keep our NCPR list as updated as possible, sometime there are errors.
To check which of these 2 cases are happening with your number, please send an email to enterprise-support@smsgupshup.com with your number and we will let you know. For bulk requests, we will ask you some more questions to verify your details.
After how many complaints will my mask get blocked?
A mask will be blocked after 3 instances, where users in NCPR have received a message via SMS GupShup from the given mask.
Will I be fined? if yes, how much?
Yes, in case a customer complains about receiving SMS and the number is registered in the NCPR list (formerly DO NOT DISTURB) TRAI will block the mask. In addition to that there will be fines levied by TRAI for such an incident; these however will vary from case to case.
My number is not in NCPR but I'm not receiving any message. Report says NCPR Rejected/DND Rejected. Why?
If you have recently removed your number from NCPR, it takes 7 days for them to update their records. In this time, your number will continue to be in NCPR.
(Optionally, we can recommend that they give us their number so we can ensure that we scrub that number on time)
What happens to NCPR Rejected messages? Am I charged for these messages?
Credits are returned after midnight in case messages are rejected because the numbers are in the NCPR list.