Best Practices
Practices and policies listed here will help you use Enterprise GupShup more efficiently.
Group Policies
A group is to organize your phone numbers that fit certain common criteria like locality etc.
Group name supports 5-75 characters.
Limit a group to have not more than 5000 phone numbers. It helps in managing the group
Keep a Welcome message with each group.
Do not use groups as a replacement for the bulk upload function.
Bulk upload Policies
It helps user to send message to large no. of phone numbers via XLS or CSV. It is advisable to
use CSV files as those are smaller in size and are faster to upload.
One bulk upload file should be restricted to max. 100000 (1 lakh) phone numbers.
Keep a gap of 10 minutes in between the bulk upload of more than 1 lakh numbers.
It is advisable to keep the headers correct & consistent as per the sample files.
Use Case
Say you have a message blast to 3 million numbers. Now divide the file into sets of 1 lakh
numbers each.
Upload files with 10 minutes of gap between each upload.
Schedule 1 day before the actual blast.
Scheduling of Messages
User has the flexibility to schedule a message at any point of time within the working hours.
Always prefer to schedule the file one day before, if you have a file with 5000-100000
File Type
Prefer the file type as CSV & zip it for faster uploading.
If you have a smaller set of numbers, XLS is fine as well.
Contacts Book Policies
Import Contacts
It is desirable to upload a CSV file if you have more than 20000 phone numbers with all the
attributes set.
You will be able to upload & import contacts with file size of 8MB without any problem which
can contain 25000 rows of data.
It is advisable to keep the headers correct and consistent as per the sample file.