Editing personal details
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This section allows you to edit details like mobile number, email id, mailing address and any other additional information.
You also have an option of recharging your enterprise account using available product types.
: For editing details like account name, company name, industry type & PAN get in touch with GupShup support team
at +912242006799 or mail enterprise-support@smsgupshup.com.
1. Click on the account number on the top right hand corner of the home page.
2. In the Personal Details section, click Edit to update the details.
3. Click Update.
To recharge your account with current plan:
1. In the right panel of the Personal Details section, click Recharge.
2. On Recharge page, under Recharge with current plan, click Recharge button.
3. Select the payment option, click Recharge and follow the steps to make a payment.
: This is applicable only for prepaid accounts.
To recharge your account with a new plan:
1. In the right panel of the Personal Details section, click Recharge.
2. On Recharge page, under Select a New Plan, select the required pack.
3. Enter the number of message, click Generate Plan.
4. Click Buy.
5. Select the mode of payment and fill the required details.
6. Click Recharge .
In case of offline payment, messages will be credited to your account after payment is
In case of online payment, messages will be immediately credited to your account.
: This is applicable only for prepaid accounts.
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